Gamer sind die besseren Chirurgen

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Habe leider keine Zahlen dazu gefunden. Der Unterschied scheint aber nicht sonderlich signifikant:

Both high school sophomores who played video games on average two hours per day and college students who played four hours of video games daily matched, and in some cases exceeded, the skills of the residents on parameters that included how much tension the subjects put on their instruments, how precise their hand-eye coordination was and how steady their grasping skills were when performing surgical tasks suck as suturing, passing a needle or lifting surgical instruments with the robotic arms.

Zudem ist folgendes nicht überraschend

For further comparison, the groups were tested in a simulation of a non-robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery. In this scenario, when presented with a complicated surgical technique that does not rely on the visual-spatial coordination present in robotic surgery, the resident physicians scored far higher than the high school gamers.

aber folgendes wäre interessant, wenn die Unterschiede wirklich signifikant wären (steht auch im PC-Tipp Artikel)

Since the best results were seen in students who played video games up to two hours daily and not those who played four hours daily, this could indicate the optimal time needed for medical residents to gain these skills according to Kilic.

-> Happy Lernkurve
